Sunday, February 16, 2025 Sunday of the Prodigal Son 8:15am Orthros 9:30am Divine Liturgy Byzantine Choir sings today Tuesday, February 17th 5:30pm-7pm Greek School 7pm Dance Practice Wednesday, February 19th 7pm Bible Class Friday, February 21st 11am Bible Class 6pm HOPE/JOY Bowling Saturday, February 15th 1st Saturday of Souls 8:15am Orthros 9am Divine Liturgy You may consider to bring koliva and the names of your beloved deceased family members. 6pm Vespers 40-Day Memorial for Betty George with Flowers and Coffee Hour on behalf of her daughter, Christina (Jeff) Lilla and Family. May her memory be eternal. Four-Year Trisagion for Panagiotis Glinatsis on behalf of his wife, Litsa Glinatsis and Family. May his memory be eternal. Altar flowers are donated by Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Arahovas or the health of their family. SECOND TRAY will be passed today for the “Rise Against Hunger” which will be held on March 2nd. Please give generously.
We welcome all our guests to Holy Trinity Cathedral today, whether as visitors from out of town, family members joining others here for worship today or even soon-to-be members here for the first time. No matter what the reason the Holy Spirit brought you there today, we welcome you with open arms and hearts filled with the love of Christ. Please let the ushers know at the candle stand that you are visiting so they will take your name, and the clergy will officially welcome 2024 Wrap-Up: There are still a number of parishioners that have not yet fulfilled their Stewardship pledge for 2024. If you would like to make those payments, please indicate “2024 Stewardship” on your check. Thank you.
2025 Program:
If you have not yet made your 2025 pledge, please do so either via the church office or on-line through the church website.
- Please consider monthly or quarterly payments as that helps the church meet its financial obligations throughout the year.
- Please consider a 5% increase over your prior year contribution in line with the church budget.
- The AVERAGE contribution needed to meet our budget obligation is $1,400.
- The Leadership Stewardship contribution is $2,200 and above
The Church should be our priority for financial charitable contributions to support the numerous programs of our community. We have an active, vibrant community that will continue to grow and flourish with your continued support. Bookstore News: The Bookstore is open on Sundays, after Church. Please come by and see our wonderful selections. There are also great gift ideas.
Graduation Sunday will be held on Sunday, JUNE 1st, 2025. All High School Graduates and College Graduates will be honored, and Scholarships will also be awarded that day. Please attend. Announcements:
- HOPE/JOY gathering at Trindle Bowl, 4695 E. Trindle Road, Mechanicsburg starting at 6pm this Friday, February 21st. All children wanting to attend please contact Jennifer Solomon at Please see flyer.
- Saturday of Souls will be held on Saturdays Feb. 22nd, March 1st & 8th. Please bring the names of your beloved deceased family members.
- Saturday, March 1st – 3pm GOYA Dodgeball & Apokreatiko Dinner at Annunciation in Lancaster.
- Saturday, March 8th – Festival Preparations: Kataifi Rolls at 9am. Please join us.
- Saturday, March 8th – Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers at St. John Chrysostom Church in York. The address is: 2397 N. Sherman Street, York, PA. Please see attached flyer.
- Saturday, March 15th – Festival Preparations: Galaktobouriko at 9am. Please join us.
- Saturday, March 15th – JOY Retreat in Lancaster. March 21st – 22nd – GOYA Lock In – Sts. Constantine & Helen, Reading Saturday, March 22nd – Festival Preparations: Dolmathes at 9am. Please join us.
- Sunday, March 23rd – Greek School “March 25th” Celebration after Church in the Hall. A small lunch will be given, program of poems & songs and we will have a special theatrical program as well.
- Saturday, March 29th - Festival Preparations: Pastitsio at 9am. Please join us.
- Sunday, March 30th – ORATORICAL FESTIVAL after Church. Come & hear the speakers. Saturday, April 5th – Agape Group (ages 0-4yrs) will meet.
Please note that persons wanting to have flowers for the Memorials in Church the cost is $65 payable to the Church. Those persons wishing to sponsor the Coffee Hour in memory of their beloved ones the cost to the Philoptochos is $50 and up.
Join us for a fun afternoon with fellow parishioners to assemble more than 20,000 meals sent to countries with people in need of basic nutrition. Our goal is to raise $8400 to make the 20,000 meals and 120 volunteers to participate. Our last campaign for Rise Against Hunger was March 2024, and we raised over $6000 and made over 10,000 meals. Please consider donating via check to Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral with Rise Against Hunger in the memo line, or electronically via PayPal or Venmo (see flyer or weekly announcement attachment for QR codes.) Volunteers must sign up ahead of time after church in the social hall beginning January 26th, or with Beth Spanos at 717-576-3018 or Email:
2025 FESTIVAL SAVE THE DATE - May 16, 17, 18, 2025 - OPA! Our Annual PA Greek Fest will be held the weekend of May 16th in 2025. Please save the weekend and keep it free from other activities so you are available to help. In particular, we need you to take off on Friday, so we have enough help on the first day. The baking schedule is: Kataifi (3/8), Galaktobouriko (3/15), Dolmathes (3/22), Pastitsio (3/29), Mousaka (4/5), Kourambiethes (4/26), Koulourakia (5/3), and Baklava (5/6 and 5/10). Many volunteers are needed. Most of the baking days are on Saturday. There will be a table in the Social Hall for more information.
Graduation Sunday will be held on Sunday, JUNE 1st , 2025. All High School Graduates and College Graduates will be honored, and scholarships will also be awarded that day. Please attend.
Parish Oratorical Festival will be held on Sunday, March 30th. All the topics are on page 35 of the JANUARY Source. The teachers will also be speaking with the students in the Sunday School classrooms. Our Metropolis Oratorical Festival will be held on Saturday, April 26th at the Annunciation Church in Lancaster, PA. We also encourage our Sunday School students from 4th – 6th grades to also write something concerning any religious topic. They are free to write on whatever religious topic they want. It is always wonderful to see our younger children getting involved. Parents, please help in this.
Also there is an Essay, Poetry, Iconography and Vocal Divisions. Submission deadline for poems and essays are due on March 26th. They should be emailed to Ann Ariano, Metropolis Oratorical Chair at The Iconography submission should be mailed to Ann Ariano at 6121 Chatham Court, Harrisburg, PA 17111. Must be received by 3/29/25. The vocal soloists will sing in the parish Level and then the winners will perform at the Metropolis level. Please see entire rules in the February Source. Michael Azar has been encouraged and he is starting a Byzantine Chanting Choir once a month in our Church. They have already started. It was beautiful. They will chant every 3rd Sunday of the month. Those of you who have good voices and would like to participate he has practices on two Saturdays of the month from 4:30-6pm in the Church Library. If you cannot make it to the church for rehearsal, let him know and he will send out a zoom link. He will rehearse the 2nd and 3rd Saturdays of the month. If you wish to have more information or to touch base with Michael this is his email address:
The 2025 AHEPA OPA Discount Card is here!
We are happy to announce that the all-new 2025 AHEPA OPA Restaurant Discount card is now available to purchase. The card features many of the same great restaurants that have participated in the past few years, as well as a number of new places to try. Please purchase a card, or more, for your own use, or to give as gifts to friends, that would love to try some of these fine restaurants. The card costs just $20 and provides a $15 discount off of a $30 food purchase for 20 of our favorite local restaurants, (many that are owned by members of the church). Funds raised by the card sales will go towards AHEPAs mission to ‘promote the ancient Hellenic ideals of education, philanthropy, civic responsibility, family and individual excellence through community service and volunteerism’. We have limited the number of cards to 250 this year. Discounts are available from November 2024 through October 2025. So, pick them up before they completely sell out! AHEPA will be selling cards on Sundays. Feel free to contact Anthony Ariano ( if you would like to purchase cards and will not be at church in Sunday.
THIS WEEK'S ATTACHMENTS Click on the item to view the attachment
Lord's Voice Foni Kyriou Hope and Joy Bowling Flyer Names for Saturday of Souls Form Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers Flyer Metropolis Newsletter - March