Weekly Announcements




Sunday, December 15th
St. Eleftherios
8:15am Orthros       9:30am Divine Liturgy
General Assembly
Monday, December 16th
7:45am Orthros   8:30am  Divine Liturgy
Tuesday, December 17th
St Dionysios/St. Daniel & the three Youths
7:45am Orthros     8:30am D. Liturgy
5:30pm-70pm Greek School with a Christmas party
6pm  Philoptochos Meeting
Wednesday, December 18th
7:45am Orthros   8:30am  Divine Liturgy
9:30am  Holy Unction
7pm  Bible Study
Thursday, December 19th
7:45am Orthros   8:30am  Divine Liturgy
Friday, December 20th
7:45am Orthros     8:30am D. Liturgy
11am  Bible Study
Saturday, December 21st
Sunday School Communion
8:15am Orthros    9am  Divine Liturgy
4pm Christmas Musical
Special Guest – His Eminence Metropolitan Savas

His Eminence Metropolitan Savas will be with us for the Christmas Musical this Saturday, Dec. 21st and also will celebrate the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy the next Day on Sunday, Dec. 22nd. Please make sure that you are in Church by 9:20am on Sunday when the Divine Liturgy begins. I would like us to have a full Church attendance in honor of His Eminence.

One Year Memorial Service for (Steve) Stathis Paterakas with Flowers and Coffee Hour
on behalf of his wife, Sia Paterakas, and Vasilis & Tasia Paterakas and Family.
May his memory be eternal.
One Year Trisagion Service for Elmer Wells
on behalf of his wife, Marianna Wells & Family.
May his memory be eternal.


GENERAL ASSEMBLY will be held today, Sunday, Dec. 15th after Church.  

All are asked to please attend.


We welcome all our guests to Holy Trinity Cathedral today, whether as visitors from out of town, family members joining others here for worship today or even soon-to-be members here for the first time. No matter what the reason the Holy Spirit brought you there today, we welcome you with open arms and hearts filled with the love of Christ.  Please let the ushers know at the candle stand that you are visiting so they will take your name, and the clergy will officially welcome you.
“STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY” was on Sunday, November 17th.  Everyone was mailed a Stewardship Package that had your 2024 information concerning stewardship.   We also ask that you please fill out your Stewardship Pledge for 2025 with careful and prayerful consideration and please return it to the Church Office. If you have not pledged or given anything for 2024, we ask that you please consider donating and thus helping the House of the Lord. Also, since these are days when we support financially different charities, we should support first the Cathedral, as the Church should be our charity priority. We will keep the year 2024 open until the first Tuesday in January on Jan. 7th  for parishioners who have not given their Stewardship for 2024. We need everyone’s help.    

The Stewardship Budget for 2024 Stewardship year is 4.5% more than 2023 Stewardship year, and we are hoping for you to consider those factors and add your generosity in consideration accordingly. In fact, we are looking for the average pledge to be around $1,300 for the year. At this time for 10/31/24 we have 357 parish families that have pledged and contributed a total of $391,765 in Stewardship pledges.  Also, the Parish Council discussed and decided for the Leadership Stewards to have recognized contributions starting from $2,200 and up. To go online for your stewardship please use this link.    https://tinyurl.com/Htgocsship    Please fill out a stewardship card that is located in the Narthex and bring it to the office if you don’t go online.  May the blessings of the Lord always be with all of you and with our families keeping us all safe, healthy, and spiritually strong. Thank you for generously supporting the Cathedral.

FLAGS: We display the American and Greek flags in our courtyard. The flags are 6’ x 10’ and are replaced 2 to 3 times a year. If you would like to sponsor a flag please contact the Church office or a Parish Council Member.

Bookstore news:   The Bookstore is open on Sundays after Church. There are many inspirational books, holy icons, and other items that you may wish to buy for your home or give as gifts. Lots of wonderful children’s books on display and books for Adults for gifts for everyone. We just received the “Prologue” that has the lives of the everyday Saints throughout the year!  Please come by and check it out. NEW ITEMS in the bookstore waiting for your holiday shopping. Get them before they run out!! 
Christmas Musical:  This year our Christmas musical will fall on Saturday, December 21st at 4pm. To defray costs associated with our musical we are holding a raffle for a chance to win one of multiple beautiful holiday gift & food baskets. Information on the baskets and instructions for easy online ordering are attached. We will also be selling tickets on Sundays during coffee hour and at the show on Saturday December 21st at 4pm.   

Dates to Remember:

  • Philoptochos Food Drive starting on  December 1st till January 15th.  Please make sure that you check your labels.  Please do not give expired items.  Table will be in the Hall.
  • Philoptochos Meeting on Tuesday, December 17th at 6pm.
  • Holy Unction on Wednesday, December 18th after the Divine Liturgy at 9:30am.
  • Christmas Musical “An Orthodox Christmas Carol” on Saturday, December 21st at 4pm.  His Eminence Metropolitan Savas will be with us.  Please plan to attend.
  • Kids Paint Night on Friday, Jan. 10th at 6pm at the Church. You will need to register your child though the QR code on the flyer. This involves children that are in GOYA and also our JOY/HOPE kids.  A meal will be provided. The cost is $15 per child with all the supplies.


Two Cemetery plots are up for sale in the cemetery. If you are interested to purchase them, please call 717-433-1946.
VASILOPITA SUNDAY with Luncheon will be held on Sunday, January 12th, 2025. We will bless the Vasilopitas in the Hall during the luncheon.  All organizations are invited and requested to offer a donation through their Presidents who will be announced to come forward at the luncheon.  You will be called up when Father cuts a piece.  If you are writing a check, please make your check payable to “St. Catherine’s Philoptochos Society” and put in the memo “Vasilopita”.  Thank you.      
Philoptochos Christmas Luncheon on Sunday, December 29th at the West Shore Country Club at 1:15pm. The cost is $35 per person and the deadline to reserve is Dec. 17th. Please see the Philoptochos table in the Hall.
16th Annual Pan-Orthodox Great Blessing of the Susquehanna River at City Island on Sunday, January 19th, 2025 at 2pm.  Reception will follow at our Holy Trinity Cathedral. Free will offering to support the ministries of the Orthodox Christian Charities of Greater Harrisburg (OCCGH). 
Please note that persons wanting to have flowers for the Memorials in Church the cost is $65 payable to the Church. Those persons wishing to sponsor the Coffee Hour in memory of their beloved ones, the cost to the Philoptochos is $50 and up.

2025 FESTIVAL SAVE THE DATE:  May 16, 17, 18,  2025 - OPA!  Our Annual PA Greek Fest will be held the weekend of May 16th in 2025.  Please save the weekend and keep it free from other activities so you are available to help.  In particular, we need you to take off on Friday, so we have enough help on the first day.  Stay tuned to the Announcements and to the Source for more information about Festival preparations starting in March.
Graduation Sunday will be held on Sunday, JUNE 1st , 2025.   All High School Graduates and College Graduates will be honored, and scholarships will also be awarded that day.  Please attend.

The 2025 AHEPA OPA Discount Card is here!

We are happy to announce that the all-new 2025 AHEPA OPA Restaurant Discount card is now available to purchase.   The card features many of the same great restaurants that have participated in the past few years, as well as a number of new places to try.  Please purchase a card, or more,  for your own use, or to give as gifts to friends, that would love to try some of these fine restaurants.     The card costs just $20 and provides a $15 discount off of a $30 food purchase for 20 of our favorite local restaurants, (many that are owned by members of the church).   Funds raised by the card sales will go towards AHEPAs mission to ‘promote the ancient Hellenic ideals of education, philanthropy, civic responsibility, family and individual excellence through community service and volunteerism’.  We have limited the number of cards to 250 this year.  Discounts are available from November 2024 through October 2025. So, pick them up before they completely sell out!   AHEPA will be selling cards on Sundays. Feel free to contact Anthony Ariano (anthonyariano67@gmail.com) if you would like to purchase cards and will not be at church in Sunday.


Click on the item to view the attachment

Lord's Voice
Foni Kyriou
Paint Night Flyer

Penn State Sleep Study Research Flyer

PanHellenic Foundation Scholarship & Internships Flyer
Metropolis Newsletter - December